Sporting activities

Mountain Brief about " ecology and environment" - walk

40, place de l'église
73600 Notre-Dame-du-Pré

06 87 92 67 77


During a walk accessible from 6 years old, you will discover the village and its surroundings and discover the surprising history of the valley and its natural environment. A whole environment of plants and animals will be revealed to you.

Set up as part of an approach linked to the development of benevolent tourism with an environmental/ecological focus, this visit, led by a mountain guide, addresses the following points:

- How have village communities been able to develop without fossil fuels?
- Wildlife observation day: What is the impact of global warming?
- The Anthropocene: Why do we talk about a new geological era?
- Discovery of the alpine forests: what if the trees communicate with each other?

Location: Notre-Dame-du-Pré
Departure 9.30 am, return before noon - Departure 2 pm, return before 4.30 pm / 24 € per person. - 190 € / group

Information from the Maison de la Randonnée en Vanoise :
Tel. 06 87 92 67 77


Tarifs enfants ou groupe :
Minimum 5 personnes tarif enfants 19 euros (les 5 euros de trop perçus lors de la réservation en ligne vous seront remboursés au départ de la randonnée. Tarif groupe : 4 adultes inscrits, venez à 5 :)
Maximum 10 participants selon les protocoles sanitaires en vigueurs
Tarif sur mesure, nous contacter : 06 87 92 67 77.



From 08/07 to 31/10, every Saturday between 9.30 am and 12 pm. Dates to be confirmed.

Langues parlées

  • flag-FR

Payment mode

  • Bank/credit card


More informations

Mountain Brief about " ecology and environment" - walk

40, place de l'église
73600 Notre-Dame-du-Pré

06 87 92 67 77
Aujourd'hui Demain


Aujourd'hui Demain



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